Have we lost focus of what's really important?
Can we use today’s social media to make a life changing connection and help those in need?
I believe we can...and we have in HelpJester!

What is
The World's First eMatching Social Network for People In Need. A real connection between Helpers and Helpees. It is the eHarmony for People Helping People! Instead of matching men and/or women, we're matching those in need with folks who have the means and desire to help. HelpJester is the Make A Wish Foundation where you are the star. There are only a hand full of celebrities, but there are millions of people who want to give of their time, their advice, their services or their fortunate financial well being. HelpJester is the vehicle to bring these people together and change the lives of all involved...in a very positive way.

Featured Causes
HelpJester will also be host to “Featured Causes”. HelpJester will be the premier site for people helping people. A Hub for Help. A way for all to assist in large scale efforts of fund raising. A monthly or quarterly home page feature, designed to focus on a highlighted cause. Veterans, Feeding the Hungry or Victims of a Natural Disaster.

How Does It Work
(Full Vision-Coming Soon)
There are hundreds of crowdfunding sites online today.
From Kickstarter to GoFundMe, all very convenient,
but all of which demand a percentage of your generous contributions. At HelpJester, we don't put a price on giving. HelpJester allows you to make a direct and personal connection with a person or group that you would like to help...giving you full control over the help you choose to give. HelpJester.org is the only site that will electronically match those in need with someone who can help. Our eMatching capabilities (coming soon) and interconnecting social network creates a unique and personal experience that all crowd and fund raising sites have overlooked.
As a visitor to HelpJester.org, you will be encouraged to register for FREE, create a personal profile, tell your story and be matched with an individual, group or business who can help you in your time of need. There is no cost to become a member of our community!
Helpers will be asked to do the same, but instead of posting a request, they will be choosing a category or topic in which they feel they can be the most helpful. They will then receive a periodic email or message including a selection of individuals or groups with a request from their category. The Helper will then review these selections, find a story or individual that they feel a connection with and contact that person or group directly. It’s that simple!
Full Vision Coming Soon

HelpJester is a 501c(3) Non-Profit organization
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all of the funds donated to HelpJester are tax deductible
and will go to the development, programming, legal services and marketing of HelpJester, Inc.
We hope that your generosity is rewarded by the action of giving to help those in need.
Let's not wait for HelpJester's full launch. Let's start this wonderful process of people helping people.

Kid Corner
(Full Launch-Coming Soon)
As HelpJester grows, we will be developing a Kid's Corner for parents who would like to see their children experience, at an early age, the gift of giving and how empowering the experience of helping another human being can be. This is an opportunity to bring parents and children together in a worth while activity to create the next generation of people helping people. Lemonade stands to help raise money for natural disaster victims, collecting outgrown clothes or toys that they could give to a family who's struggling over the holidays. There are many ways for children to get involved to teach and experience the joy that comes with giving.

Without the means
to give financially?
You can still help...
If you can't afford to give financially, give of your time...as a member of the HelpJester community! Right now, take a moment to share HelpJester with everyone you know. The tools you need are provided right on our HOME page. That moment of your time will, ultimately, help in the promotion of this concept and help millions in the process. Almost everyone can do something useful for others to strengthen the fabric of our shared humanity.
The feeling you will experience for this unselfish act is the principle of this idea and is unmatched by riches and excess. Giving is a privilege!
My Personal Commitment
I believe in the working practice of this concept and I've committed my life to seeing that it becomes available to all who seek to help or be helped. I've learned, over the years, the power and peace that comes with the gift of giving. Giving promotes healing in any and all ways.
For the Helper as well as the Helpee. This is the ideal that HelpJester was founded on. This is what makes HelpJester truly unique.
We've all experienced HelpJester from one side or the other. This site is, simply, a vehicle to bring us all together and promote the process of people helping people. ~ Ron Blanchette - Founder HelpJester