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Beating Breast Cancer. Help, advice or encouraging words welcome.
In June of this year, the love of my life, and wife of 15 years to the month, was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was not the happy anniversary month we were expecting. It was a life changing moment in our lives that will forever affect how we feel about the disease.
The last few months, have been very challenging, and there's still a big hill ahead of us, but if it wasn't for the unconditional love and support we have received, it would have been so much more difficult.
I want to personal thank our immediate family, friends and neighbors for all they have done to help. It's has made a world of difference.
For those of you who are learning about it for the first time, your positive thoughts, love, prayers and help is welcome and very much appreciated. And if you felt sad but not compelled to do something meaningful, I urge you to seek a Cancer association and donate. You will be making a difference.
To my wife, LisaMarie... you are the most amazing, loving and strongest woman I've ever met and I love you unconditionally. I will be right next to you, every step of the way, until the end of this journey. And it WILL be a triumphant one.
Category: Medical
Location: Deerfield Beach, FL
Click green mail button to contact this member.

*As with other popular exchange or service sites, we count on the honesty and good faith of our members. We will do our best to weed out the scammers, but it's the responsibilty of our members to be caring yet cautious in giving or getting help.